Businesses plan to hire tech-savvy workers to boost online presence

May 13, 2021

A new study suggests tech-savvy workers will stand to benefit the most in the recovery of the economy post-pandemic.

According to a new survey 38% of companies say they have plans to hire someone to manage their online presence in the next 12 months with 68% saying they would hire someone with little work experience but strong digital skills over someone with solid work experience but with limited or non-existent digital skills.

The research by Vodafone and Enterprise Nation suggests that Britain’s small business community is keen to compensate for its lack of digital skills.

Despite the pandemic accelerating the need for businesses to have an online presence, around half of Britain’s SMEs (49%) admit they are not using the digital tools they have invested in, blaming this on their lack of confidence in using the tools or on not having the time to understand how to make them work efficiently. A similar number(48%) said they were not prepared to pay for training on new technology.

Hiring staff who possess the skills their business lacks is seen as one solution to the problem with 59% of SMEs saying they would consider hiring a younger, less qualified candidate if they had a good knowledge of social media and digital marketing.

Despite the persistent challenges posed to businesses during the pandemic, the UK witnessed a surge in entrepreneurship in 2020 with a record 772,00 new start-ups being formed*. The rise in remote working is expected to drive similar figures in 2021.

To support the economic recovery and help SMEs boost their digital skills, Vodafone is partnering with Enterprise Nation to give free, expert training to 100,000 small businesses.